Out of Auckland Transport's annual budget of $1400+ million, all they come up with for footpath renewals is $4 million a year.
If you want your ratepayer dollars spent on footpaths before cycleways, then please vote for the WestWards Team.
The purpose of a bureaucracy is to serve the collective benefit of the community.
If you want someone who will fight to stop the reverse from happening, please vote for the WestWards Team.
Are you worried how your kids are going to charge their electric car at night when their new house has no off-street parking, let alone a garage, then your concerns and frustrations are shared. If you want someone to breathe common sense into council, please vote for
the WestWards Team.
If you are sceptical of Auckland Transports claims that their first round of speed limit reductions has reduced serious injuries and road deaths by 46% then you're not alone. Because the comparison was made between a period of normal life (before Covid) and 18 months of primarily covid lockdown restrictions.
If you want to keep council real, then please vote for the WestWards Team.
When people hear the term Management Plan, they envisage something getting done, something getting constructed and someone in control.
What we see resulting from council Management Plans is just talking and talking. Which leads onto more Plans and yet more talking.
If you want someone to make Council talk short and work long, then please vote for the WestWards Team.

Make your vote count,
vote WestWards.
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Email info@kenturner.co.nz
Ph 021 0666 262